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One of you recommended the other day that I look into getting better photographic panorama software. I've been using Photoshop's Photomerge function, but haven't been happy with it - it can't do a lot of the merges. So I looked around and settled on PTGui, which is scarily good. It has put together merges from photos photoshop couldn't even make heads or tails of.

The photo below, for example, was from a room at the Musee d'Orsay. It's a composite of 40 individual photos I took. Photoshop choked. PTGui wove them into one amazing photo. I'm stunned.

(click image for larger version)

And here is a composite from a view of the Seine I shot this summer - again, Photoshop couldn't do anything with it.

(click image for larger version.)

I'm now going through all my old photos, panoramas I gave up on, and discovering shots I never thought I had, or would have. Man I love computers.

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