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Lieberman not interested in Katrina accountability

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Now that the election is over, he's uninterested in holding anyone accountable for the massive Katrina failures.

But the decision by Lieberman, the new chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, to back away from the committee's Katrina probe is already dismaying public-interest groups and others who hoped the Democratic victory in November would lead to more aggressive investigations of one of the White House’s most spectacular foul-ups.

Last year, when he was running for re-election in Connecticut, Lieberman was a vocal critic of the administration’s handling of Katrina. He was especially dismayed by its failure to turn over key records that could have shed light on internal White House deliberations about the hurricane, including those involving President Bush.
I never knew being bipartisan meant being a lackey for the GOP. What a boot licker for Bush.

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