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Bush wants a balanced budget - so what's his plan and where will he cut?

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Interesting talk from a guy who has shown no interest in spending restraint at all and now intends to add another 20,000 troops to Iraq. Where's the money for the additional troops coming from? Certainly not from the Lee Raymond's of the world, that much is sure. Somehow Bush is showing a sudden interest in spending control but his so-called plan, like every plan with this administration, is another worthless pile of fact-less talk. How can the administration even think of talking about a balanced budget, when the war spending is not a part of the program? Where was the desire to have transparency with Iraq money when we were losing hundreds of millions and giving no-bid contracts to Halliburton?

Lawmakers and the independent, bipartisan Iraq Study Group have criticized the Bush administration for funding the war through emergency supplemental bills, instead of including the costs in the administration's yearly formal budget request for running the government. That means the full cost of the war is not included in the administration's deficit calculations, and are not subject to overall spending caps.
This is the kind of irresponsible spending that the GOP has delivered to the American middle class and somehow we're supposed to take this guy seriously.

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