Another classic by Bush...shoot the messenger. Yes, the problem is the military and not the US political leadership who orchestrated the fiasco in Iraq. The only new start for the US in that region would be ditching Bush, but he still thinks that he is right and that the American public just doesn't get it. We do though, which is why the GOP was routed in November. American wants real change and not more window dressing and games with the safety of the US troops in Iraq.
Let's stick a fork in yet another Bush myth, that he allows the military decide what they need to succeed in Iraq. The guy has some bizarre secret world up in his head where he thinks he is doing the US, Iraq and the Middle East a big favor and only he has the master plan. The more he tinkers with this the worse it gets and adding another 20,000 US troops will not solve the problem. Someone needs to tell Junior to quit playing with matches.
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Bush to sack generals - must be all their fault that we are losing
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