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Virginia is for Macacas

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That state needs to do some serious soul-searching. From Loving v. Virginia to its current non-stop gay-bashing, Virginia has a long proud history as one of the more bigoted states in our country. It's no accident that macaca occurred in Virginia. And it's also no accident that George Allen still almost won. Northern Virginia is a lovely place with civilized people. But the rest of the state - from macaca to stealing lesbians' babies - is a civil rights cess pool. And now, we have Virginia churches taking a stand against - what else? - civil rights.

Merry Christmas to you too.

Update from AJ in DC: As if this all weren't enough, Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode says, "if American citizens don’t wake up . . . there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office." The horror! But it doesn't stop there: "I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States." Proud bigotry. Hooray.

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