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Open thread

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I'm at JFK waiting for my flight to Paris. Not much excitement, other than the incredibly hot Catholic priests who just walked by. Forgive me father for I have sinned! Yeah nobody gay in that church.

Anyway my flight isn't for two hours so I'm sitting here testing the new smartphone. It's not bad at all. In spite of it having a 'real' keyboard you still have to type with two fingers. Still, it works. Great for surfing the Web while waiting.

It's also wifi enabled, which should be interesting since the cingular guy tried to tell me I couldn't use free wifi in europe with this device and avoid the expensive cingular data abroad charges. Claimed that the wifi still goes thru the data connection and will charge me. I'm strongly suspecting he's either a liar or a bit of a moron. I took my sim card out of the phone last night and surfed the web with dad's wifi just fine, and I'm pretty sure that without the card cingular has no idea who I am, and thus can't charge me - no?

Any of our resident geeks like to weigh in?

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