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Man, I bought a Cingular 8525 smartphone so I can blog on the road, and my head is ready to explode. I just spent the past 3+ hours trying to get the thing to sync to my Mac (it eventually did, God knows why). It seems to be quite the powerhouse, and even has a qwerty keyboard that pops out. Very cool, and I hope very useful (I read all the reviews, they were quite complementary, and seemed to say this is the kind of device for someone like me - i.e., primary interest is convenient Web surfing/blogging (in my case).

Anyway, the learning curve on this thing is pretty steep. I'm continually amazed at how complicated technology has gotten. That's not necessarily a complaint, since technology has also gotten terribly cool. I just wish they could come up with better instruction manuals, written by real people, for these things. As always, the best instructions I can find are by googling, rather than reading what the manufacturer sends with the product (which in this case, ironically, is a CD containing the manual, but it's a windows-only CD - no help there!). More later when I'm more in touch with my inner smartphone.

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