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Now there's science back up parents who dislike noisy toys

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As the Christmas gifts are being opened, there will be plenty of parents with the infamous look of dread (not to mention loathing in the direction of the gift giver) as kids jump onto the noisiest gift in the bunch. Somehow the batteries always died quickly when I was a kid or the noisy bit would just stop on it's own or so I thought.

"With most toys, your child will only damage their hearing if they use them for too long a duration, or if they stick them in their ear," Dr. Brad Backus, a research fellow at University College London's Ear Institute who performed the study, said in a press release. "Our advice is pretty simple: don't let your child hold noisy toys too close to their ear, and don't let them play with them for more than an hour a day."
There you have it. Science is on your side. Good luck pitching this one though in the excitement of the moment.

So is everyone ready for Christmas?

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