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Let's share suggestions for cool Christmas gifts

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It's like Halloween. Every year you go to the last minute not knowing what to do. Then you get a flurry of ideas watching what your friends do, then afterwards you forget them completely and the next year you're in the same quandary.

So, this year, let's share Christmas gift ideas, just for yucks. I'm of course partial to cool tech guy things, but any "cool" and/or original ideas are welcome. I actually have most of my gifts planned out already, though could use ideas for college-aged boys. So let's share. What cool things have you found?

PS And while we're at it. I may - may - finally get a PDA. Joe has a Treo 650 I think, and it's been quite useful for blogging on the road. I'd like something similar - email access, Web access, and especially want it to be user-friendly for being able to type up blog posts on the fly (meaning, I want to type, say, two or three paragraphs). Any suggestions? I have Cingular service right now for my cell, so would rather stay with that if possible.

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