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House of Representatives will start dealing with Florida's 13th CD vote controversy on the first day of the session

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The dispute of Florida's 13th CD is not over. It will be brought up on the House floor on the first day of the session thanks to Congressman Rush Holt:

A disputed election result in a U.S. House of Representatives race in Florida will be one of the first items raised when the Democratic-controlled House convenes next week, injecting partisan politics into the start of the 110th Congress.

Rep. Rush Holt, a New Jersey Democrat who has pushed for better safeguards on electronic voting machines, said on Friday he would make a procedural point to establish the swearing-in of Florida Republican Vern Buchanan does not prejudice ongoing challenges by his Democratic opponent, Christine Jennings.

``This is a district, Sarasota area in Florida, where there's no way of knowing whether the result presented by Florida's secretary of state is valid. In fact, I think there is significant evidence that it is not,'' Holt told reporters.
Why does insuring that votes are accurately counted constitute "injecting partisan politics"? Bush and the GOP hoodwinked the media along those lines in 2000. Somehow, back then, it was wrong to want to count all the votes. No more. Insuring the will of the voters is called democracy, not partisan politics.

Something very wrong happened with the vote in Sarasota County. We know from experince that Florida won't fix it. Congress has to figure it out -- make it right -- and make sure it doesn't happen again.

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