comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: George Bush "happy" about lesbian mom-to-be Mary Cheney's impending pregnancy; says gay parents can be "loving" too
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George Bush "happy" about lesbian mom-to-be Mary Cheney's impending pregnancy; says gay parents can be "loving" too

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Boy, it must suck for the religious right to have the president they claimed as one of their own stab them in the back with a baby rattle. (Not that that would be anything new.) Bush didn't just say he was happy the two lesbians were having a baby. He didn't just say that gay parents provide the love a baby needs. But he expressly refused to say that children raised by gay parents are at a disadvantage over those raised by straight parents.

The religious right can kiss their war against gays goodbye. For the next 50 years, every time they complain about gay parents, gay adoption, or gay marriage, we're simply going to flash two pictures - one of Mary Cheney, and the other of George Bush.

Sucks to be hateful bigots who nobody likes any more. The joke is, of course, that the Republican party always hated the religious right, always considered them the crazy aunts in the attic. It's only now that the religious right may finally be starting to figure out the truth.

More from the Washington Post.

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