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The election is this Saturday in Louisiana's Second District. Jefferson has to go.

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It's bad enough that William Jefferson has no ethics and somehow ended up with $90,000 in his freezer. He's taken to gay-baiting to defeat Karen Carter -- and, Jefferson is attacking her for positions he's already taken. The man really is disgusting:

Two of Jefferson's associates pleaded guilty to bribery-related charges; one, a Kentucky businessman, admitted paying more than $400,000 in bribes to a phony company headed by Jefferson's wife and family to obtain favors from the congressman.

Jefferson has denied any wrongdoing, and said he would explain his side in due course. So far he has not done that.

Jefferson, 59, has tried to soften voters' opinions of his legal troubles, invoking stories about how he has turned to God in these "difficult times." He has also cast Carter in attack ads as a socially liberal Democrat who supports same-sex marriages and late-term abortions.

Carter's spokeswoman, Cheron Brylski, said he had distorted her record and his own record of support for same-sex marriages and some forms of abortion.

For her part, Carter has hammered away at Jefferson, calling him a "hypocrite" and "unscrupulous" in a series of ads depicting children at a spelling bee who correctly spell the words used to denigrate Jefferson.
If Jefferson wins, we'll be following the drama around his indictment and whether or not he should leave Congress. He is in serious legal trouble. That will do wonders for the Democratic majority.

You can help Karen Carter here.

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