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Bush's friends in Saudi Arabia and OPEC want to cut oil production to keep prices above $60 a barrel

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Remember when oil was hovering for the longest time around $20 a barrel. Why then does OPEC, and specifically Saudi Arabia, have the need to keep those prices above $60 a barrel?

I seem to remember that Saudi Arabia wasn't very concerned when oil prices skyrocketed even higher and Americans were paying $3 and even up to almost $4 a gallon for gas. Saudi Arabia didn't do a hell of a lot then to "stablize" gas and oil prices. But now that their windfall is only going to 3x normal prices, Bush's buddies the Saudis (you remember them, the folks who made up the majority of the 9/11 hijackers, the folks who funded the 9/11 hijackers, the folks who now are talking about funding the Al Qaeda insurgency in Iraq - that would be the Saudis) now feel compelled to keep those oil prices "stable."

When will America wake up and realize that Saudi Arabia is not our friend. They're always looking for an opportunity to screw us, when we're the ones propping up their rather hideous regime. Saudi Arabia wants to talk about what will happen if America pulls out of Iraq. Well I want to talk about what will happen if America pulls out of Saudi Arabia. Starting with the (literal) beheading of the entire Saudi royal family by those same Al Qaeda insurgents Saudi Arabia is so keen on financing in Iraq.

Not so funny anymore, this little "what if" game, is it? More from the NYT.

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