George Bush and the Republicans don't care about the war on terror, they don't care about national security. It's all one big talking point to them, that's it. They woo the religious right, bashing gays while either being gay or hiring the gays as their top staff. They talk about limited government, then oversee the largest expansion of government, and turn a massive budget surplus into a massive budget deficit. And they talk about national security but have been responsible for an utter disaster in Iraq, not to mention, where is Osama?
And now we have George Bush, at the request of the Republicans in Congress, publishing instructions for how to build a nuclear bomb on a public US government Web site. And when they were warned about it two weeks ago by US scientists, they did nothing. When they were warned about it one week ago by European diplomats, they did nothing. It took the NYT downloading the "how to make a nuke" instructions two days ago, and demanding answers from the White House, to get Bush and his incompetent war planners to take the site down.
George Bush and the Republicans are simply incompetent. They don't care about national security. They don't care about anything. It's time for them to go.
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US Scientists warned Bush administration weeks ago that federal govt Web site contained nuclear secrets, but no one did a thing
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