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This time, Florida's voting problems may lead to real reform

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Those missing 18,000 votes in Florida's 13th Congressional District may result in federal legislation, finally. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who has authored a bill mandating paper trails for electronic voting, is taking the lead in the Senate. And, this time, she has the power to make something happen:

Sarasota's voting controversy has given new life to election reform advocates in Congress, prompting the incoming leader of the House to make the issue a top priority for the new year and triggering hearings in the U.S. Senate.

More than being just a battle over who won the 13th Congressional District, officials on Capitol Hill say what happened in Sarasota has wider implications for the nation, giving a more substantive edge to what previously was mostly a theoretical debate over the reliability of touchscreen voting machines.

"What happened in Sarasota really does highlight the issue," said Howard Gantman, communications director for U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein, a Democrat from California who is already vowing to hold hearings on the voting issues early in 2007.
The GOP will oppose real election reform. Counting the votes usually works to their disadvantage -- in Florida anyway.

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