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Saturday Morning Open Thread

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Okay, I'm watching the Today Show. Alan Chambers, the head of Exodus, the ex-gay group, is on explaining how he "came out" of homosexuality. Okay. Sure. He's soooo credible. The right wingers want Americans to think being gay is a choice. If that's the case, there is less support for equal rights for gays and lesbians. The so-called "ex-gays" play right in to their hands.

Fortunately, there is a real medical professionl on the show who said therapies to change sexual orientation do not work. It's not a choice. Ted Haggard, Alan Chambers and the rest of the ex-gays should just deal with it. Activist and author Wayne Besen wrote a book, Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-gay Myth, that, as the title indicates, exposes the ex-gay movement.

Ted Haggard will probably be the next poster boy for the ex-gays.

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