CNN's Bill Schneider just reported that there was no impact from the Saddam verdict. That's got to be a stunner for the White House, which choreographed the timing of that announcement. In CNN's most recent poll, conducted from Friday through Sunday, they asked respondents if they thought that it was worth going to war in Iraq. On Friday and Saturday, 38% of respondents said it was. On Sunday, after the Saddam verdict was publicized, only 36% of respondents said the Iraq war was worth it.
Bush's last ditch effort to milk Iraq for political gain failed. Bush's approval rating in that same CNN poll is a measly 35%. Americans saw through this latest political ploy.
UPDATE: Talking Points Memo reports via NBC that the verdict wasn't even won't be done til Thursday. But that didn't stop them from reading the death sentence anyway. Two days before the election.
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No political bump for Bush from political timing of Saddam's verdict
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