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Monday Morning Open Thread

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One more day.

It's wild out there. The GOP is up to their usual dirty tricks. Fake robo-calls. It's all they have. What would you expect from the people who brought us the great failures of Iraq and Katrina? They can't run on their records.

16 US troops have been killed in Iraq so far this month.

The President is supposed to be campaigning only in states where people like him. But he's getting dissed big time by Charlie Crist in Florida. Last week, Crist invited Bush to come campaign. Despite that, Crist won't appear with Bush today. What a drama queen that Mr. Crist is.

CNN's latest generic poll has a 20-point lead for Democrats among likely voters: 58% - 38%. This poll was conducted November 3 - 5. But, 20 points. At this point, generic polls become less relevant. It's about the individual races.

Okay, one more day.

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