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McNerney defeats Pombo -- the 27th pick up for

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When we stopped counting last night, the Democrats had picked up 26 seats. Make that 27 now.

A major upset in California:

Richard Pombo, the seven-term Republican congressman from Tracy who was hobbled by the Iraq war and criticism over ethics and environmental issues, lost his bid for an eighth term Tuesday night.

With nearly all of the vote counted, Democrat Jerry McNerney held a 53 percent to 47 percent lead in California's 11th Congressional District, which includes much of San Joaquin County and portions of Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara counties.
There are still several races that are too close to call. Hotline On Call reports the "recount races" as:
CT 02, FL 13, GA 08, IA 02, NM 01, NC 08, PA 06, PA 08, WY AL
We've only got IA 02 in our total.

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