No one could have ever predicted that John McCain was a waffling anti-gay bigot. You see, McCain was pro-gay before he was anti-gay. Well, actually, to be honest, McCain was anti-gay before he was pro-gay before he was anti-gay.
What an intolerant, pandering, jerk. After sucking up to Jerry Falwell this year, after calling Jerry Falwell an agent of intolerance during the 2000 campaign, McCain is now appearing in ads supporting an Arizona state constitutional amendment that would ban, forever, in Arizona the provision of benefits to unmarried partners, gay or otherwise.
The really sick part is that McCain has always had gay staff in high-level positions, going back to the early 90s at least, and yet he's still an anti-gay bigot. His staffers even had long-term partners, and McCain had no problem with that. But now he does. Well, again, to be fair, it's Friday, so TODAY McCain is an anti-gay bigot because he's now wooing the religious right. The past five years, McCain was actually pro-gay (though before that time, he was again anti-gay). So, we might get lucky, by the time McCain runs for president in 2008 he may be pro-gay again. Just need to catch him on the right day.
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John McCain appears in anti-gay ads to promote gay-bashing legislation
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