I've defended these girls before because, well, they're (or they were) teenagers. And you know, teenagers like to go out drinking, and I get that. But at some point, you put aside your tiara as most powerful brat in the world and start acting like an adult. But not in the Bush family. Oh no. The US embassy warned that they could not provide adequate security for the Bush twins during their current visit, and the Bush twins basically told the embassy to go to hell. They're staying anyway.
Let me repeat that. George Bush's daughters are in a developing country where American officials cannot guarantee their safety. What does George Bush do? Absolutely nothing And before anyone says this is his daughters and not Bush, bull. He is the president of the United States. These are his children. They are traveling as representatives of the US whether they like it or not. They are traveling with American Secret Service protection, whether they like it or not. They are tying up the resources of the US Embassy whether they like it or not. And if they get shot and killed, or kidnapped, or drugged while they are in Argentina, that will directly affect the national security of the United States because our president will be subject to blackmail or worse.
Then again, this is the man who kept riding his bicycle while he wife was being rushed to a secure location in the face of a possible threat on her life. So it's no surprise that George Bush couldn't give a damn about the safety of his daughters either.
Never tell the king (or queen) how to conduct their business. Oh they are their father's daughters.
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In face of concerns about their safety, Bush twins snub US embassy officials in Argentina
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