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I wish the media would stop lying about Iraq

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I think it's time someone took all the quotes from the Bush administration, their Republican lemmings in Congress, from Limbaugh, Hannity, and all the rest of their ilk, and from FOX News - you know, the quotes talking about how great everything is going in Iraq, but the media only reports the bad stuff, so we're tricked into thinking Iraq isn't going well. Take those quotes and start shoving them down Bush et. al.'s throats.

The American people have been lied to, over and over again, by this cabal of right-wing extremists that has taken over the Republican party. They tricked the American people into going along with this war and far more disastrous policies at home, and now these cheerleaders for disaster need to be held accountable for their lies and their propaganda.

Bring out the quotes from them all, and make them defend their lies.

It's time the liars running the Republican party, inside conservative Washington and within the right-wing newspapers, television stations, and Web sites, are held accountable for their utter lack of principle. The GOP has become the party of liars and incompetents. It's the party of order, but no law. It's the party that increasingly represents all that is wrong, and has been wrong, in the world. The rule of law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil rights, human rights, justice, none of this matters to Republicans - it may have once, but it doesn't now. They don't respect the law, they respect order - so long as they're the ones giving the orders. It's a particularly un-American way of viewing the world, and it's an attitude that has caused far too many tragedies in the history of the world. It's time we started publicly defnining what the Republican party has become. They no longer represent American values, and we shouldn't be shy about saying so.

Until their ilk is exposed and purged, the Republicans will continue to be the party that tricks the American people into more patriotic disasters.

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