UPDATE: CNN had YouTube pull down the video, send me a cease and desist letter, and they even edited their transcript. Fortunately you can still the video on the Huffington Post.
We reported last night that Bill Maher outed GOP party chairman Ken Mehlman as gay on Larry King Live last night. In the rebroadcast of the show, the segment in which Maher names Mehlman is gone. Interestingly, you can see the ticker at the bottom of the screen is unaffected, meaning, this is video edited by CNN, not a YouTube user. (Another friend of ours saw the rebroadcast and confirms, the segment was edited out.)
This is the new video, where CNN censored Maher:
You can see the uncensored video here to compare. Also, you can find the transcript from LKL here via Huff Post.
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CNN censors Bill Maher, deletes Larry King Live segment where Maher outs GOP party chair Ken Mehlman as gay
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