The Week That Was 11/03/06
Another week. More preposterousness to report.
Well here we are on the precipice of GOP disaster. With the Republicans looking as out of sorts as a viciously anti-gay preacher caught keeping the company of a gay hooker and Rush Limbaugh Rx caught in his teeth.
I know. How ever do I come up with such far-fetched metaphors?
I will keep this piece short, as I have an 18-day old baby on my lap. But as I look down at this little adorable guy who needs to be fed, changed and pretty much looks to adults for any and all guidance as he experiences the varied sensations of this new-fangled world, it makes me think:
So that’s what it was like when George W. Bush got to the White House.
Except my kid has a heart. And some motor skills. And more of a clue of how to prevent “the enemy” from getting “nuculer” weapons. (Though my kid and the president do both crap their pants an awful lot.)
But I guess by putting instructions for how to build an A-bomb online George Bush was making sure we’d have them make nuclear arsenals over there so they don’t do it over here. It makes sense if you think about it.
If you are a gay man-whore cradling, budget-vomiting, conglomerate-fingering, My-Pet-Goat-reading-level Republican. Because it takes that level of dumb to believe a president who is chock-full-of imbecile and has fought the War on Terror like he rides bikes can actually protect us.
But as always I digress.
As I look down at this little guy, I can only think one thing: Three weeks and one day. That is the limit for how long I want him to live under the unified control of this group of moral pyranhas who commit crimes with the frequency that Katherine Harris takes Lithium or Lynne Cheney goes through menopause on television.
We all really do have the power. Vote. Poll-watch. Knock on doors. Convince wavering friends.
Let’s give the Republicans the kind of slap on November 7th that they usually save for their wives, mistresses or random women in parking lots.
Let’s take our country back. My little boy is counting on it. As is something a bit older.
The U.S. Constitution.
Self Plugs (Not the Haggard Kind):
My Huffington Post piece on The Paranoid Right and its attacks on
And go check out the always fun new site!
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