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Bush gets shunned by South Korea

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He just can't catch a break these days, can he? Poor George. He pissed off the American public and the world and now everyone is finally standing up to the childish bully. Maybe nuance would have made a bit more sense, huh? After seeing the results of the war in Iraq, who in their right mind wants to participate in Bush's gun slinging attempts at foreign policy?

Bush sought to persuade South Korea's leader to fully implement U.N. sanctions imposed on North Korea for testing nuclear weapons. He also sought Roh's support in the Proliferation Security Initiative, a voluntary international program that calls for stopping ships suspected of trafficking in weapons of mass destruction.

Roh said his country "is not taking part in the full scope" of the security initiative, but that it would "support the principles and goals of the PSI," and would cooperate in preventing the transfer of materiel for weapons of mass destruction in northeast Asia.
Don't worry George, I'm sure you will get a pleasant welcome when you get home. Lots to talk about with the new Congress.

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