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Still searching for radical right outrage on Foley/cover-up scandal

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Where's Rush to provide some moral righteousness during these troubled times? Surely he must be bothered to hear there was a sexual predator running free in Congress, all under the watchful eye of Congressional leaders. James Dobson somehow can't find it in him to be as outraged with this scandal and says "it's not the time to be talking about politics" now that the GOP owns this sex scandal (along with Abramoff, Iraq, DeLay, etc) plus cover-up. Where is Jerry Fallwell? Pat Robertson? Surely the Christian Broadcasting Network has something to say about a cover-up and sex scandal in Congress, right? Hello? Is anybody there?

So does this mean that the radical right approves of both the sex scandal and the Congressional cover-up? And to think that this sounded like such a clear cut situation of right versus wrong.

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