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Katherine Harris defines christian behavior (Hint: she is one, Nelson's not)

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Katherine Harris, whose GOP colleague Mark Foley resigned in the wake of a Republican child sex predator scandal, is defining who is Christian and who is not. She's got a full plate these days between running for Senate and defining christianity:

Republican Senate hopeful Katherine Harris says Florida's Democratic incumbent supports unchristian political policies.

Harris - whose comments were made on a Christian radio network and published Monday by Agape Press, a Christian news service - did not mention specific policies, but she has repeatedly berated Sen. Bill Nelson for not supporting a ban on certain late-term abortions and a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

The congresswoman has worked to attract Christian voters throughout her campaign. This summer, Harris told the Florida Baptist Witness newsletter that Christians should be involved in politics because otherwise legislative bodies would "legislate sin," and that the separation of church and state is "a lie we have been told." The comments caused a stir among Democrats and many Republicans, as well as some Christians.

In an effort to explain those remarks, Harris told American Family Radio News: "I was being specific in talking to them and differentiating myself from Bill Nelson, who claims to be a Christian and yet votes completely contrary to what we say we believe."
Katherine Harris needs to clean her own party first. Protecting child sex predators doesn't exactly seem Christian. Nor does starting a war based on lies. Nor does destroying the environment instead of being stewards of the earth.

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