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GOP at "record low" in NBC/WSJ poll

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Bush is at 38% approval. Congress has a 16% approval. Yes, 16%. The generic has the Dems. up 52% - 37%. Those numbers explain this analysis:

Just 20 days until Election Day, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds approval of the GOP-held Congress is at its lowest mark in 14 years, the Republican Party's favorability rating is at an all-time low and President George W. Bush's approval rating remains mired in the 30s -- all ominous signs for a party trying to maintain control of Congress.

In fact, according to the poll, Republicans are in worse shape on some key measures than Democrats were in 1994, when they lost their congressional majorities.

"There is not a single number in here that would suggest the Democrats will not have their best showing in a decade -- and maybe two decades," says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican Bill McInturff.
Not bad numbers for 19 days out. There is growing confidence and aggressiveness among the Democrats. They're continuing to expand the playing field. Confidence is contagious.

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