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George Allen can't explain his position on Iraq. That's what the GOP defines as "flip-flopping"

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Funny how this happened. Allen adopted the Bush/Rove "stay the course" political strategy. But, it's hurting him. His fellow Senator from Virginia is advocating a major policy change. But, George is trapped. He's only viewed Iraq through a political prism. Policy never mattered to George. He's a policy lightweight.

Bush even made it worse for Allen when he gave one of those terror, stay the course, speeches at an Allen fundraiser on Thursday. Froomkin wondered if it was "more than Allen wanted?" And, as noted below, both Bush and Rummy are digging in their heels.

Allen is in deep trouble in his campaign. Iraq is a political problem for the pseudo-cowboy. With no clue, Allen has started flip-flopping:

Republican Sen. George Allen called for "changes in tactics" in how the U.S. is fighting the Iraq war on Friday as he continued to face questions about his morphing position on the war.

"The situation there is one that needs adjustments, that needs changes in tactics. We need to adapt to the situation on the ground," Allen said at a campaign event Friday morning with GOP leaders of the state legislature.
Allen's real problem is that he has no core. He's a caricature.

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