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$800M of US taxpayer money for Iraq - gone

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It's a good thing that the GOP congress never believed in oversight because so-called friends in Iraq would never have had an opportunity to cash in, courtesy of US taxpayers. Iraq has become a get rich quick scheme for so many, both American and Iraqi and the whole thing has barely been worth a look by the GOP. I guess when you have so many friends and campaign contributors who are raking in mega bucks, who's going to ask questions? Certainly not the Republicans. The US soldiers who are in Iraq fighting must be thrilled to hear this news. It must make it all so worth while.

The former minister Ali Allawi told CBS' "60 Minutes" that $1.2 billion had been allocated from the Iraqi treasury to the defense ministry to buy new weapons. About $400 million was spent on outdated equipment, while the rest of the money was simply stolen, he said.

Allawi said the arms fraud is "one of the biggest thefts in history" and that corrupt former Iraqi officials are now "running around the world hiding and scurrying around."

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