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Couric delivers quality on 60 Minutes - group hug time

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You know, I'm really sick and tired of journalists asking tough questions because our political leaders should not have to be subjected to tough questions that are in the interest of the public. Instead, we need more "hooray for Dear Leader" pieces so we can really compete with the likes of Soviet journalism. We shoud be fawning all over our leadership no matter how much they may have lied to the 9/11 Commission or no matter how many botched wars they have on their hands. Just because tens of thousands of Iraqis have died and the invasion has helped spread terrorism, there's no need to talk about ghastly stories like that. Instead, let's do our leaders a favor and help with their PR because by gosh, they need it.

Thanks Katie and please give us more reports like this instead of asking the tough questions. Some might say this is another Lisa Simpson moment but isn't it time we all have a group hug and forget about being held accountable? If we want to hold politicians accountable, we know that it's best to simply blame Clinton for everything and give everyone else a free pass.

If only Katie could have asked Condi to turn that frown upside down.

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