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With no plan for the Iraq war, Bush unveils his campaign plan about Iraq

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The President has no plan to solve the quagmire in Iraq. He offers rhetoric. Yet, one more time, he's most willing to lay out a political agenda about Iraq:

Analysts from both parties have called the war the biggest political liability facing the Republicans this year. Mr. Bush’s political aides have urged fellow Republicans to embrace the conflict, and Mr. Bush seemed to go a step further, suggesting that he hoped the midterm elections would be fought over rival approaches on Iraq.

“What matters is that in this campaign that we clarify the different points of view,” Mr. Bush said from the press secretary’s lectern in the White House conference center up the street from the Oval Office. “And there are a lot of people in the Democrat Party who believe that the best course of action is to leave Iraq before the job is done, period, and they’re wrong.”
Bush made it clear today that we'll never leave Iraq while he's President. Bush wants to stay the course. That's the whole plan. Nothing. But, this President does love to play politics with Iraq. So today, he launched a political attack on Democrats on Iraq.

One problem Bush has with his political strategy is that more and more Republicans are calling for a withdrawal plan like Chuck Hagel did yesterday. Another problem is, as John noted below, that the American people have had it with Bush's war.

Bush wants to stay the course. The only way to change the course is to change the Congress.

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