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What's Rummy afraid of? And what is he hiding?

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The Bush team shows nothing but contempt for Congress. The latest example is the refusal of Rumsfeld to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee -- apparently, he backed out of his commitment to be there. He's either afraid -- or he's hiding something really big -- or both. Whatever it is, Hillary's calling him on it:

On the eve of a potentially contentious Senate hearing about the Iraq war, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton urged Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to testify before Congress, saying it's been too long without such an appearance.
Hey, with Iraq and Afghanistan, it's not like there's anything going on under Rummy's jurisdiction that the American people should know about.

But, he's a Bush guy. He can just say no to Congress. But, for someone who acts like such a tough guy, it does say a lot that he won't take questions from Hillary Clinton.

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