He is a disloyal Republican partisan. He now openly defies the will of the Democratic voters, and would rather risk our party's future, our chance to take back the Congress in the fall, in order to coddle his increasingly-conservative ego.
Fine, Lieberman wants a fight with Democrats, he's got one.
Our voice has to be heard, we need to stand for something. Can't we even stand to agree on who won our own elections? Joe Lieberman doesn't respect the voters, and he doesn't respect the decision of the Democratic Party, plain and simple. So he's no longer welcome in the party.
Call every single Democratic office in the Senate on Wednesday and demand two things:
1. That the Senator immediately come out in support of the Democratic Senate candidate from Connecticut, Ned Lamont.
2. That Joe Lieberman be immediately kicked out of every single committee seat given to him by the Democratic party. Joe Lieberman is more interested in his own welfare than the welfare of the party. It's time for him to go. And it's time for us to tell the Democratic party that we're going to war over this race.
3. Markos makes a great suggestion. Call the liberal interest groups who supported Lieberman and, now that Lieberman has lost, demand that they support Lamont who likely has a 100% record on most of their issues, and certainly he is better than the Republican candidate. I will be happy to help on this, so please give me feedback about any guff you get from the groups.
If that's what Joe Lieberman and the Democratic Party wants over the next three months, then that's what they're going to get. It's going to be a disaster for the party, and will jeopardize our chances of taking back the Congress. But Joe Lieberman made that decision for all of us. So let the war begin.
Actually, I'd call the Senate offices now, fill up their mailboxes for the morning, then hit them all day tomorrow.
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On Wednesday, call Senate Dems and demand that they support Lamont, and that Lieberman be removed from every Democratic seat he holds on any committee
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