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New Poll: Virginians know about GOP Senator George Allen's racist eruption, and they're not happy about it

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From the DSCC:

Virginians Are Offended By Allen’s “Macaca” Comments. A majority of Virginians have heard about Allen’s “macaca” comments and two-thirds thought Allen’s comments were inappropriate. In addition, half feel Allen’s apology to Webb’s volunteer was insufficient and 46% think it will hurt Allen’s re-election bid. Allen’s approval rating is now under 50%.
Another interesting update, according to an interview with the young man George Allen called "macaca," the man was wearing a baseball cap at the time of the verbal assault. That means George Allen would have lied when he said the reason he called the man "macaca" was because he was sporting a mohawk haircut, because he couldn't see it (not that it's a real clear connection between mohawk and macaca).

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