- Wash Post: Lamont Relied On Net Roots -- And Grass Roots
- Wash Post: Lieberman Defeated in Democratic Primary
- NYT: Lamont Defeats Lieberman in Primary
- NYT: Lamont victory speech
- NYT: Lieberman concession "but I'm a sore loser" speech
- NYT editorial: Revenge of the Irate Moderates ("The rebellion against Mr. Lieberman was actually an uprising by that rare phenomenon, irate moderates.")
- NYT op ed: The Lieberman Lesson. (It's not a bad piece, though it still plays the "they're really liberal" card.)
- Boston Globe: Lamont defeats Lieberman
- Boston Globe: Antiwar challengers across US get a vote of confidence (Polls show that Democrats are more motivated to vote this year, noted Stu Rothenberg, an independent political analyst, a factor which could negate the Republicans' historically stronger get-out-the-vote efforts.
`From the numbers I've seen, they are generally more energized than the Republicans about the war, but not just about the war. They've had six years to build up their distaste" for the Bush administration on matters ranging from civil liberties to foreign policy, Rothenberg said.
``They'll want to send a message about the war, about George W. Bush. And it's not a friendly message," he said.) - LA Times: Lieberman Is Defeated in Primary
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Lamont victory coverage in the morning papers
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