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Clinton blasts GOP for politicizing terror

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Bill Clinton weighs in:

Clinton, who generally refrains from criticizing Bush by name, said Republicans have been "trying to play politics" with the London arrests. "They seem to be anxious to tie it to al-Qaeda," he told ABC News. "If that's true, how come we've got seven times as many troops in Iraq as in Afghanistan? Why has the administration and congressional leadership consistently opposed adequate checks on cargo containers at ports and airports?"
He's get it right, as usual.

One more thing. This Washington Post article, like almost every other article and t.v. report dealing with terror, cites one statistic from recent polling: the Newsweek poll finding that 55% of Americans approve of Bush's handling of terrorism. Clearly, the GOP is pushing that statistic. Granted, it's the only relatively decent poll number Bush has had on anything in a long time. But come on media. His overall approval rating in numerous polls lately is mired in the 30s. His numbers on Iraq are abyssmal. And, Iraq remains the top voting issue. Bush and the GOP desperately want to change that. Once again, the media is playing right in to their hands.

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