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British Petroleum to close Prudhoe Bay, Alaska oil fields indefinitely - eliminating 8% of US oil production

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Jesus. Watch gas prices go through the roof. I think the Democrats just won the House and Senate.

The Republicans are going to bring up drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) again. (Would oil from ANWR have to go through the pipeline, or would it miss the parts that are now going to be shutdown?). Anyway, the Dems need to offer ONE CONCRETE PROPOSAL - something clear, succinct, and obvious - to fix the problem. Not a 100 point plan, ONE THING. The Republicans offer drilling in ANWR. The dems need to offer something just as clear cut.

Release more oil from the strategic petroleum reserves? Major alternative fuel research initiative? Drop a billion dollars into solar power, ethanol production? Something concrete guys, come on.

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