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Oil jumps again, now over $78 - where's the diplomacy that the media told us about?

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Who would guess that failed talks with Iran, failed war in Iraq and Israeli bombings across Lebanon (and Lebanon's potential to collapse back into a failed state) would have a negative impact on the price of oil? We're really witnessing some great statesmanship with the Bush team these days. As they sit in a corner sucking their thumbs and shrugging their shoulders, the world around them is crumbling. We shouldn't be surprised though, because this reaction is not unlike 9/11 when he fled to Nebraska and hid out in a bunker, leaving everyone wondering what the hell was going on. Let's just sit back and watch the experts in action. After 9/11 they somehow created spin about Bush the leader, but with a few years under his belt and a resource burden in Iraq, spinning out of this won't be as easy.

The media has been telling us to often lately about the "new" Bush and diplomacy, so where the hell is it? Please give us an example because wetting your pants and hiding is not diplomacy.

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