We reported this, briefly, this morning. Over at DailyKos they've excerpted more of the worst of the article.
This is police state legislation, not American legislation. You simply cannot give the government the authority to throw whichever American citizen it wants in jail permanently, with no trial and no attorney, simply because some government bureaucrat "suspects" you have ties to terrorism. There is no evidentiary basis for "suspects." It's simply a gut decision.
This is the legislation of a police state. And I suspect Bush and the Republicans are offering this as their last-ditch effort to spare the Republicans in the elections this fall. Try get a police state and watch the Democrats scramble in disarray, unable and unsure if they want to challenge it.
In the meantime, the Republicans have now gone beyond bashing gays and Muslims and women and Latinos for political gain. They've now decided to declare a police state in order to win the election.
Anyone, and particularly any Republican, who doesn't stand up against this legislation doesn't deserve to be called an American.
This is simply disgusting.
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Bush proposing new legislation that would permit him to throw any American in jail, forever, without a trail or attorney
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