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Bush and Laura on Larry King

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Anyone watching? Because this thing is PAINFUL.

It is frightening that this man is our President. But don't be mean, it's his birthday.

Laura Bush dismissed polls saying her husband is unpopular...saying that when we travel around the country, it's not what we see. Does she not know that those crowds she sees are hand-picked?

I don't think Larry's going to ask any of the questions we submitted and suggested.

UPDATE: I can't believe I watched that whole frickin interview. Ugh. He's an idiot...but he's going to git Bin Laden. And he gets a CIA briefing every day -- except Sunday, (because terrorists don't work on Sundays?) He's optimistic that all problems will be solved -- which is interesting, cause no one else is. Seriously, what an idiot.

Talking Points Memo has the transcript of the question about Bush's BFF, Joe Lieberman.

Judd at Think Progress dissects Larry's praise for Bush taking the lead on issues -- and that on Iraq, Bush led, and "the U.N. went along." Didn't quite happen that way, Larry.

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