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War crimes influenced by bad strategy, failed leadership

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As reports of war crimes increase, it's vital to remember that in a command and control structure like the U.S. military, leadership bears great responsibility for wartime actions.

Of course all people should be held responsible for criminal actions, and we hold soldiers to an especially high standard because of the power and responsibility that comes along with being in the military. Excuses cannot be made for criminal acts.

It is shameful, though, how the leadership of this administration and Defense Department put American troops in situations where rules are blurred and regulations remain unclear. In this latest report, which contains minimal detail, the soldiers are reportedly being charged with crimes committed against detainees. When an administration calls the Geneva Conventions "quaint" and signals its intention to ignore legislation regarding treatment of detainees through signing statements and the like, it invites soldiers to go to far . . . and is shocked -- shocked! -- when they do.

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