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US, UK, Australia, New Zealand to step up fight against whaling

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Who would have thought that this issue could come back as an issue? What is disturbing is that the pro-commercial whaling efforts by Japan don't even seem to match up with the Japanese people because they simply are not interested in eating whale meat. It is more an issue of some people within power who want to cash in from killing whales, but disguise their ambitions by cloaking their argument to clinging to a piece of their history that is as outdated as slaughtering buffalo one hundred years ago in America.

I like Japan and the Japanese but if they really want to flash money around, they ought to continue spending it on many of the excellent development programs they have already started in some of the poorest countries of the world. I've stumbled upon many of these programs in remote corners of the world and they truly benefit some of those most in need. It's sad to see that some removed from the real world people have hijacked Japanese government money and influence for this incredibly bad cause. They are targeting some very poor and needy countries such as Mali, Nicaragua not to mention a few greedy and short sighted governments and giving those countries a bad reputation.

Let's hope that the US and other countries can work together and turn the tide on this unfortunate change.

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