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Sunday Talk Shows Open Thread

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It's "Marriage Protection Sunday."

Unlike Bush and the Republican Senate who are obsessed with gay sex, it looks like the talk shows are going to be discussing issues that matter to the American people, not gay sex. Condi's probably not going on the shows to talk about her sex life -- but, hey, since her boss is making "marriage protection" such a huge issue, it is completely legit to ask Ms. Rice what she does to "protect marriage." But the media is only obsessed with the private lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton, so that'll never happen.

Otherwise, Iran, Iraq and global warming are the real issues of the day:

FOX NEWS SUNDAY...: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Sens. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.).

THIS WEEK (ABC...: Former vice president Al Gore , former labor secretary Robert B. Reich and author John Updike .

FACE THE NATION (CBS...: Rice and Time assistant managing editor Michael Duffy .

MEET THE PRESS (NBC.: Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr . (D-Del.) and Hans Blix , former chief weapons inspector for the United Nations.

LATE EDITION (CNN), 11 a.m.: Sens. George Allen (R-Va.) and Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.), retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Don Shepperd , retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste , retired Army Brig. Gens. James A. Marks and David L. Grange and Rice .
Note to FOX NEWS and CNN: Lindsay Graham and George Allen both support the anti-gay amendment. Ask them how they're protecting marriage. Seriously, ask them. We dare you. After all, Lindsay Graham isn't even married, so confirm that he's celibate. Otherwise he's a hypocrite. Someone really needs to ask George Allen why he's so obsessed with gays.

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