UPDATE: The Defense Department has just come out and said that Santorum is full of, well, santorum.
But you see, the Bush administration just didn't want to tell anyone. Uh, right. For national security reasons it was more important for Bush to lie to the American people and tell them we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but we really did. Get it? No, because it doesn't make any sense. There is zero chance that George Bush wouldn't tell the American people had he found WMD in Iraq years ago. Zero chance. And in fact, this White House actually repeatedly told the American people they had found WMD in Iraq, only to later say "oops, we were wrong." So, in fact, they have already shown they have no problem whatsoever announcing that they found WMD, so had they REALLY found it years ago, as Rick Santorum is now alleging, they'd have told us years ago.
This is yet another lie being put out by the White House and its Republican surrogates in Congress in order to help Republicans get re-elected in the fall elections.
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Now Rick Santorum is claiming we found WMD in Iraq a long time ago. Uh, right.
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