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North Korea readies for long-range missile test

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The North Koreans have fueled their long range missile in anticipation of a test launch:

North Korea referred to its missile program for the first time Monday amid international reports it has apparently completed fueling for a test launch.

A North Korean state television broadcast, monitored in Seoul, said nothing about whether the North intended to test-launch a long-range missile capable of reaching the United States. But the report cited a Russian editorial on the subject and said the North "has the due right to have a missile that can immediately halt the United States' reckless aerial espionage activity."

The North has repeatedly complained in recent weeks about alleged U.S. spy planes watching its activities.
North Korea has weapons of mass destruction. Iraq doesn't. Good thing we're not bogged down.

Does this mean Bush will be fueling Air Force One for a surprise visit to Pyongyang?

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