But as Atrios notes, all he did was support the Republican position on amnesty: American-soldier-killing terrorists should be set free, according to top Senate Republicans. So why did the guy resign, and does this mean any Republican Senators are going to resign for giving aid and comfort to America-hating terrorists?
And just as importantly, if even the Iraqis now seem to think it's a bad idea to let American-killing terrorist go free, will Republicans change their mind and endorse the Democratic resolution opposing giving amnesty to such terrorists? Or will Republican Senators continue to mock the memory of 3,000 Americans "incinerated" (per Henry Hyde) on September 11?
Come on Senators, giving amnesty to terrorists who kill American service members is such a pre-9/11 mentality. This is a post-9/11 world, get with the program you traitors.
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Iraqi aide who supports GOP Senators on setting American-killing terrorists free resigns today
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