Atrios is right, buy reporter Eric Boehlert's book "Lapdogs: How the press rolled over for Bush".
I'm reading it now, have gotten through about half, and it's very good. Lots of horrifying detail as to just how bad the media has gotten. And there's lots of new information and analysis regarding things such as Bob Woodward's Valerie Plame memory loss, the press' reaction to Bush's "mandate" from 2004 election (uh, no mandate at all, thanks), and more. It's a good book, a great reference tool actually to keep around and have to win arguments with lying Republicans.
And in any case, as Atrios notes, buy the book - it's what Republicans do, they just by their guys' books to get them on the best sellers lists and help spread their message even further. You can click the link on the book image above to check out the book.
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