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Why does the GOP want to block free enterprise?

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I am so completely sick and tired of hearing about how pro-business the GOP is because when I hear about this latest story, I only see the GOP blocking business except for the chosen few at the absolute top of the heap. Why is it that Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska wants to slap taxes on Skype when they offer a promotion for FREE phone calls? Looking at Stevens campaign donors one might think that he is more focused on campaign contributions from Big Telco instead of giving a damn about consumers. Heaven forbid someone dares challenge the overwhelming dominance of the telecom industry and actually make them competitive. We certainly would not want that to happen.

As I have mentioned before I find it hard to believe that in France, a country not known for a pro-consumer environment, I can pick and choose between at least five or six phone/internet providers that bundle my high speed internet access plus unlimited calls across Europe, to the US, to China and elsewhere all for about 30 euro per month. Oh yeh, we can get dozens of TV channels as well included in that price. What ever happened to allowing small businesses to grow in the US? Why does the GOP want one-size-fits-all and no competition?

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