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Pastor claims Jesus has already picked Florida's next Governor

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Sounds plausible that Jesus would spend time worrying about who the next governor of Florida will be. But, he has spoken -- or some pastor in Florida claims that Jesus has spoken:

The Rev. O'Neal Dozier said that before the dream he did not know Crist, nor had Crist made known his plans to run for governor.

"The Lord Jesus spoke to me and he said 'There's something I want you to know,'" said Dozier, pastor of the Worldwide Christian Center in Pompano Beach. "'Charlie Crist will be the next governor of the state of Florida.'"

Since then, Dozier has spent time with Crist and talked with him at length about policy. He told the group that Crist would be uncompromising in his Christian faith.

"I introduce to you, as the Lord Jesus has said, the next governor of the state of Florida, Charlie Crist," Dozier said.
Does this mean they can just cancel the election? It's not like they actually count the votes there anyway.

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